
Godis Gross- und Einzelhandels GmbH

Represented by Managing Director Mr. Partheev Godiwala
Address: Porschestraße 11-17, D-12107 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 7544 9397 - 0
Telefax: +49 30 7544 9397 - 15
VAT-Id Nr.: DE292405818
Registered in the commercial register of the District Court of Berlin (Charlottenburg): Company Registration Number HRB 149726 B


Commerzbank AG IBAN: DE18 1004 0000 0564 7979 00 SWIFT: COBADEFFXXX

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The provider assumes no responsibility for all web content linked by hyperlinks since this is not a matter of own content. The linked pages were checked for illegal contents, at the time of linking such were not recognizable. Responsible for the content of the linked sites is their operator. The provider does not have a general monitoring and auditing obligation. Upon notification of an infringement, however, the link will be removed immediately.